Corrupt data by adding missing values to it with MAR (missing at random) pattern.
# Created by Wenjie Du <wenjay.du@gmail.com>
# License: BSD-3-Clause
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import torch
from scipy import optimize
def _mar_logistic_torch(
X: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
rate_obs: float,
rate_missing: float,
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
def pick_coefficients(X, idxs_obs=None, idxs_nas=None, self_mask=False):
n, d = X.shape
if self_mask:
coeffs = torch.randn(d)
Wx = X * coeffs
coeffs /= torch.std(Wx, 0)
d_obs = len(idxs_obs)
d_na = len(idxs_nas)
coeffs = torch.randn(d_obs, d_na)
Wx = X[:, idxs_obs].mm(coeffs)
coeffs /= torch.std(Wx, 0, keepdim=True)
return coeffs
def fit_intercepts(X, coeffs, p, self_mask=False):
if self_mask:
d = len(coeffs)
intercepts = torch.zeros(d)
for j in range(d):
def f(x):
return torch.sigmoid(X * coeffs[j] + x).mean().item() - p
intercepts[j] = optimize.bisect(f, -50, 50)
d_obs, d_na = coeffs.shape
intercepts = torch.zeros(d_na)
for j in range(d_na):
def f(x):
return torch.sigmoid(X.mv(coeffs[:, j]) + x).mean().item() - p
intercepts[j] = optimize.bisect(f, -50, 50)
return intercepts
assert len(X.shape) == 2, "X should be 2 dimensional"
n, d = X.shape
ori_type_is_np = isinstance(X, np.ndarray)
if ori_type_is_np:
X = torch.from_numpy(X).to(torch.float32)
X = torch.clone(X).to(torch.float32)
assert (
torch.isnan(X).sum() == 0
), "the input X of the mar_logistic() shouldn't containing originally missing data"
mask = torch.zeros(n, d).bool()
# number of variables that will have no missing values (at least one variable)
d_obs = max(int(rate_obs * d), 1)
d_na = d - d_obs # number of variables that will have missing values
# Sample variables will all be observed, and the left will be with missing values
idxs_obs = np.random.choice(d, d_obs, replace=False)
idxs_nas = np.array([i for i in range(d) if i not in idxs_obs])
# Pick coefficients so that W^Tx has unit variance (avoids shrinking)
coeffs = pick_coefficients(X, idxs_obs, idxs_nas)
# Pick the intercepts to have a desired amount of missing values
intercepts = fit_intercepts(X[:, idxs_obs], coeffs, rate_missing)
ps = torch.sigmoid(X[:, idxs_obs].mm(coeffs) + intercepts)
ber = torch.rand(n, d_na)
mask[:, idxs_nas] = ber < ps # True means missing
X[mask] = torch.nan
return X.numpy() if ori_type_is_np else X
def mar_logistic(
X: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray],
obs_rate: float,
missing_rate: float,
) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
"""Create random missing values (MAR case) with a logistic model.
First, a subset of the variables without missing values is randomly selected.
Missing values will be introduced into the remaining variables according to a logistic model with random weights.
This implementation is inspired by the tutorial
X :
A time series data vector without any missing data. Shape of [n_steps, n_features].
obs_rate :
The proportion of variables without missing values that will be used for fitting the logistic masking model.
The proportion of missing values to generate for variables which will have missing values.
corrupted_X :
Original X with artificial missing values.
Both originally-missing and artificially-missing values are left as NaN.
if isinstance(X, list):
X = np.asarray(X)
if isinstance(X, np.ndarray) or isinstance(X, torch.Tensor):
corrupted_X = _mar_logistic_torch(X, obs_rate, missing_rate)
raise TypeError(
f"X must be type of list/numpy.ndarray/torch.Tensor, but got {type(X)}"
return corrupted_X