Source code for pygrinder.randomly_drop_observations.rdo
"""Corrupt data by randomly drop original observations."""# Created by Wenjie Du <># License: BSD-3-ClausefromtypingimportUnionimportnumpyasnpimporttorchdef_rdo_numpy(X:np.ndarray,p:float,)->np.ndarray:assert0<p<1,f"p must be in range (0, 1), but got {p}"# clone X to ensure values of X out of this function not being affectedX=np.copy(X)ori_shape=X.shapeX=X.reshape(-1)indices=np.where(~np.isnan(X))[0].tolist()indices=np.random.choice(indices,round(len(indices)*p),replace=False,)X[indices]=np.nanX=X.reshape(ori_shape)returnXdef_rdo_torch(X:torch.Tensor,p:float,)->torch.Tensor:assert0<p<1,f"p must be in range (0, 1), but got {p}"# clone X to ensure values of X out of this function not being affectedX=torch.clone(X)ori_shape=X.shapeX=X.reshape(-1)indices=torch.where(~torch.isnan(X))[0].tolist()indices=np.random.choice(indices,round(len(indices)*p),replace=False,)X[indices]=torch.nanX=X.reshape(ori_shape)returnX
[docs]defrdo(X:Union[np.ndarray,torch.Tensor],p:float,)->Union[np.ndarray,torch.Tensor]:"""Create missingness in the data by randomly drop observations. Parameters ---------- X : Data vector. If X has any missing values, they should be numpy.nan. p : The proportion of the observed values that will be randomly masked as missing. RDO (randomly drop observations) will randomly select values from the observed values to be masked as missing. The number of selected observations is determined by `p` and the total number of observed values in X, e.g. if `p`=0.1, and there are 1000 observed values in X, then 0.1*1000=100 values will be randomly selected to be masked as missing. If the result is not an integer, the number of selected values will be rounded to the nearest. Returns ------- corrupted_X : Original X with artificial missing values. Both originally-missing and artificially-missing values are left as NaN. """assert0<p<1,f"p must be in range (0, 1), but got {p}"ifisinstance(X,list):X=np.asarray(X)ifisinstance(X,np.ndarray):corrupted_X=_rdo_numpy(X,p)elifisinstance(X,torch.Tensor):corrupted_X=_rdo_torch(X,p)else:raiseTypeError(f"X must be type of list/numpy.ndarray/torch.Tensor, but got {type(X)}")returncorrupted_X